Patient Pack List

To ensure that residents are prepared upon arrival, we’ve provided the following packing list for residential treatment at McDowell Center for Children. The items below outline the kinds of clothing items and hygiene products residents may need during their stay, and which items we prohibit. We have laundry facilities on site, so please do your best to stick to the quantities outlined below. Resident’s belongings will be searched upon admission. McDowell has very limited storage space, so any items deemed inappropriate will be sent home. We request that parents, guardians, providers and other visitors adhere to these guidelines as well to maintain a secure and controlled environment for our residents and staff.

  • 2 pairs of shoes (only black, gray or brown; no exceptions)
    *please remove the shoestrings before sending him with his shoes*
  • 5 pairs of socks (only black, white or gray; no exceptions)
  • 5 pairs of underwear (boxers, boxer-briefs, or briefs)
  • 1 jacket/coat – no hoods! (black, white or gray only; no exceptions)
  • 2 pairs of basketball shorts (black, white or gray only; no exceptions)
  • 2 sets of pajamas (NO STRINGS – if strings are left in, they will be cut out)
  • Cell phones
  • Aerosol cans
  • Comb or brush with handle
  • Mouthwash
  • Strings of any kind
  • Money
  • Medication of any kind
  • MP3 players/other electronics (with the exception of a small hand-held radio)
  • DVDs
  • Fidget spinners
  • Hoodies
  • Boots
  • Pants/shirts with inappropriate holes
  • Belts
  • Jewelry
  • Cologne
  • Pocket knives/weapons of any kind
  • Food or drink from outside of the facility
  • Razors or sharp items
  • Shirts with inappropriate logos or sayings
  • Inappropriate books or magazines
  • Gang-related material of any kind
  • CDs from outside the facility
  • Inappropriate photos
  • Pens and magic markers
  • Any other items that pose a threat to staff and/or residents

Help Is A Call Away

Our admissions staff is available on weekdays from 8:30 a.m to 5 p.m. to provide a no-cost, mental health assessment for your child. Call 888-266-7279 or visit our facility to get started. For questions about our programs, you can also use our online contact form.

In the case of a medical emergency or crisis, please dial 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.